
התפקיד שלך נדחה! סיבה:

A full arm tattoo sleeve in black-and-white

I would like to send some pictures and some ideas of what I would like I would like someone to put these together as if it was on and arm as a full sleeve and in black and white pencil so that I can put these on my tattoo on my arm as a full sleeve and incorporate the pictures together and some sort of pattern in between the pictures such as A 2-D background or 3-D background in between the pictures. And here is a list of what I want on this arm sleeve tattoo will be of a tree with roots a compass all be sent over in pictures to give you an idea a hand with a foot in between it a face.a building. I want it to be drawn as if it were on an arm in black ink with shading going from the wrist to the top of the shoulder on a body arm of a person just need someone to put these together into a design for a sleeve tattoo

מידע נוסף

עבודה: #5281

2524 יום 12שעות 8דק



סוג העבודה:

עבודה חד פעמית

שעות עבודה:

00:00 - 08:00

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