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General information for the business: Shopping habits - Designer clothes and Tailoring Geographical areas: London Data to include: Are you good at interviewing people or would like to practice it? I am working on a project and I’m looking for someone to help me to interview potential customers. • Are you a good listener and ask the right questions to get the truth out of people? • Do you have understanding of luxury brands and tailoring? • Have you read a book called “The Mom Test”? One interview can take up to 30 min as people tend to get carried away with their answers but it’s good to get them talking to get the real problem out of them. I have set of questions I would like you to ask and I would like you to record them with the phone app, so I can make notes myself later on. My target market is women age from 35 - 60 someone who is sociable and goes to social events. Also busy professionals who love to dress well but don’t always have the time to do shopping. Someone who buys designer clothing and loves quality and uniqueness about the clothes she wears. I will pay per interview completed and would like you to interview 5-10 people. Please let me know if you have any questions, how much would you like to get paid and why are you the best person for this job? Extra notes:

Additional info

Job: #8606

2414 day(s) 17h 47m



Job type:

One time job

Working Hours:

00:00 - 08:00

Required skills
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