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ASPX.NET Front End / C# Middleware / SQL Back-end - On-going support 10-30hrs a month

General information for the business: Travel business with 4 front ends and one middleware and back end database Kind of development: Customization of existing program Num. of modules: Various Description of every module: Looking for ongoing support of my technology for website visual changes, whatever i need doing really. adding pages, adding fields to the database, rolling out to c# business layer then to the front end. Also editing our internal system as we make process changes. Description of requirements/functionality: code will be in our repository which you will log on to and do coding in to manage our QA and continuous integration process also to ensure no code written causes issues with live production and other code work being done by our tech lead. CMS and Admin requirements: job would suit someone with a good working knowledge of edit, save, load, basic production work. good css wouold be of benefit as i would like to reskin our internal system. I have many projects, cost, time and my time being available are all constraints to my progress. Happy to work with anyone as long as good english communicator. work can be very flexible and done around a full time worker for instance looking for extra cash. Essentially once the learning curve is done it should be easy work for someone to do as same logic is applied across all our sites. and i am not really looking for much new complex functionality. You need to have reviews or be prepared to demonstrate your worth before getting paid as my time is money as well. OS requirements: Windows Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #10090

2382 дней 21ч 55м



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00:00 - 08:00

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