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Need a professional to enter orders online and prepare sales invoices

Hello, I have a mens underwear business, which is sold online on my own website and also in several shops in Europe and the US. I am looking for someone to process my orders on the warehouse website, and to prepare the sales invoices to wholesale accounts (= shops). The person currently doing this job was recruited via PPH, but she just accepted a full-time job and so is no longer available to continue working for me. The job will entail: 1- enter the web orders (at present, 1 or 2 orders in average per day, but the numbers will increase over next few months) on the warehouse website. Orders usually range from 1 item to 6 items. Entering an order takes a few minutes - I am looking to pay 1gbp per order. 2- prepare the sales invoices for the wholesale orders. Most are reorders from existing accounts. The average orders count 5 to 15 different products. I am looking to pay around 2gbp per invoice. 3- I will also ask you to carry out other tasks in future - various administrative tasks, possibly help with customer service (answering customer emails) etc. I am looking for someone who is available to work every day of the week ideally, and who can be reactive during the day. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks Pierre

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Вакансия: #10296

2385 дней 11ч 34м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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