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Event Management Site & App Development

Wedding Planner App and Site Looking for an experienced app & web developers to develop from scratch website & mobile app. Please utilise below example resources to compile quote – App: Theknot; Site: App: Weddingwire ; Site: App: Appycouple ; Site: App: Zolaweddings; Site: - Include clean & complete source code - Service Level Agreement and Nda signed - Testing App functionality once complete - Ongoing Maintenance - Across both iOS and Android platforms - Unlimited revisions - Multi user logins with different area access - Setup storage server – To archive videos,pics, etc... - Secure payment platform – Paypal,Sage or Worldpay - Banking account Link – (i.e. App: Alltrees) that will allow clients to view live balances of monies that have been deposited and track any income and expenditure. - Tinder Style, right and left swipe for yes or no decisions throughout app - Fast uploading and streaming speeds - Push notifications options - Option to upload and share multiple videos , pics or documents. - Gps functionality - Inbox - so clients and suppliers can communicate via site & app - Clients will have appointment booking facility with the ability to book directly into suppliers calendars (i.e. Groupon) - Clients can compile task list and designate jobs to friends with deadlines. Also notifications once complete. (i.e. Wunderlist) - Allow clients & multiple contributors to pay into one events account.The couple can receive notifications telling them who and when monies are deposited. i.e Dad paid 3k ; Sarah paid 500 - Pie chart visualisation representing bank balance income &expenditure - Once budget chosen by clients, algorithms will give example of budget expenditures i.e. 20% on venue, 15% on dress , 5% on catering - Video content: Couples can upload videos - Supplier directory to be gps enabled and displayed / to function as example resources provided i.e. Bridebook; Theknot - Guestlist function to operate as per examples provided - If users log into app on the day all photos and vids will be shared on server (i.e. Veri App) - Publish to relevant IOS and Android App stores More detailed brief & wireframe available once quote agreed. Please let me know if you have any queries. Many thanks in advance

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Вакансия: #10941

2398 дней 19ч 7м



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00:00 - 08:00

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