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We need part-time remote seamstresses

Wunderkin Co. is a modern children's accessory designer, creating bows for the adventurous and free-spirited baby and child. We are looking to hire several part-time seamstresses to hand craft our hair bows from the comfort of their homes and on their own time. Our seamstresses are required to work 15-20 hours a week, with a weekly yield between 100-150 bows. We have a very high standard and value impeccability. Sewing is half of the process - pleating, tying and piecing together bows is an art. Please do not apply if you do not consider yourself a perfectionist. Because our product is handmade by different women all around the country, there can be no discrepancies between one seamstresses bows and the next. Initially, applicants will be asked to complete a prototype bow-making trial. Upon review we will ask the applicant to join our on-boarding process, which includes learning how to create Wunderkin bows and finishes with a paid trial. Our seamstresses are the heart beat of our company. We pride ourselves on creating a fun and flexible working atmosphere. If you consider yourself a talented seamstress with attention to detail, we would love you to apply.

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Вакансия: #11299

2387 дней 20ч 4м



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Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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