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PR for Fine Artist

Hey guys. My name is Mike and I'm a 31 year old Artist that lives in London. Im a photographer. Im basically looking for someone to help me push my work to the correct places. Here is a link to a recent small article that posted about my work. Maybe you can now see how serious i am at producing my work considering the lengths i have gone through to make my work. Its taken me the last 5 years to produce the images you see. The sculptures take on average 6 months to build. I feel that this work can go very far and i can make a good career out of it but this all depends on getting the correct exposure for my work. Im terrible at Pr and networking. Im a typical artist, I've been so focused on trying to create these projects that i have completely underestimated the next part of the process which is getting your work "out there". Anyway. does anyone out there think that they see potential in what I'm doing and wants to help me market my work? The work that I'm priding just now really are fine art bodies of work but i would perhaps be open to people suggesting other ways that i can use my style of work? anyway ill leave it at that just now.

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Вакансия: #11346

2395 дней 12ч 5м



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