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Logos required for high level Yorkshire specialist vintage wristwatch dealers.

Word mark, Emblem, Character Brand: Single colour Where the design will be used: website, watch straps, watch boxes Extra notes: Based in UK, we specialise in the supply of high quality antique wristwatches by Rolex, Omega etc and have a customer base that includes both hardcore collectors and the gift buying general public. Our website, , was launched about five years ago , and we have become the largest dealer in vintage wristwatches in the UK. Our customers are typically wealthy, highly educated, traditional, upmarket,“old money” people who are interested in classic cars, antique furniture, pre-war first edition books, Havana cigars, fine wine etc. They are completely turned off by anything modern or flashy. We must have an old world, antique look to the logo that emphasises the heritage aspect of our watches, but must also be striking and not just another pseudo-retro “me too” design. Think Brooklands motor racing circuit in the 1920s, John Lobb shoes, the Orient Express, Purdey guns, Bentley’s Antiques in London and vintage Rolls-Royce cars and you’ll get into the mindset of our customer base. For those looking for inspiration in print, a lot of our customers read both The Rake and Octane magazines. Initially, the logo will be used on our forthcoming new website at the top of each page, but as the business expands, it will also be shown on the windows of various planned retail stores. These will not all be in UK and are likely to be in crowded central shopping streets, so the logo must be instantly recognisable and not easily confused with anything else. We do not want any kind of stock logo or something tweaked from templates. The logo must be bespoke and a “one of a kind” creation. We are open minded as to what we might choose. Several of our customers have suggested that it might be quirky to have a logo that incorporated elements normally associated with watch movements, for instance gears with teeth, slotted screw heads and curled mainsprings. Others feel that this, if not carried off perfectly, could be unsubtle and dilute our upmarket brand image. One of the challenges will be coming up with a logo that appeals to a wide cross section of our buyers. We have customers who are tied into the pre-war era, going as far back in their interests as World War I, and also art deco fanatics, but we also have collectors who love the watches from the 1960s. The logo has to be attractive to all our customers, without pigeon holing us to a very specific time period. The logo must work when it accompanies a Rolex from 1914, or a Breitling sports watch from 1976, and all points in between, though we tend to the view that an older appearance would largely be preferred. Importantly, we would also like to be able to re-work the logo so that it could be used in a variety of contexts. For example, we will be having some very luxurious watch straps made shortly in exotic leather, with the “” brand name stamped into their reverse side. The dimension of this stamping would be approximately 35mm x 3mm. Another application will be watch boxes. We will have our own boxes produced in the 1940s style, with the “” logo printed inside their hinged lids. Obviously, once we’ve found someone who is capable of creating the very high quality artwork that we require, we can email pictures of the boxes in order that he can design accordingly for these. The available space inside the box lids is 35mm x 35mm. We accept that the logo as used on the website may not be identical to that used on the straps, boxes etc due to space and shape constraints, but the key point we want to emphasise is that we must have a strongly unified brand identity that is instantly recognisable and runs across all these items. Finally, it is worth adding that for the right person, there will be plenty more work from us. In 2017, we will be launching another business specialising in the sale of rare, upmarket gentleman’s accessories from the 1910s through to the 1960s. These will include items by Asprey, Dunhill, Rolls-Royce, Tiffany etc that relate to early motoring, cigar smoking, malt whisky etc. We will require a logo for this concern, together with associated artwork for stationery etc. Similarly, we are planning to create a website for the sale of up scale Victorian and Georgian fine antique jewellery and will need a logo for this also. We are passionately loyal to our suppliers and if we find an outstandingly talented designer who is on our wavelength, we will not look elsewhere for further projects.

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