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Logo Design needed for Real Estate Company

Information for the business: Real Estate Company Type of logo: Word mark, Letter form, Abstract mark, Emblem Brand name/slogan in logo: Golden Integrity Investments Number of revisions: 5 to 10 Ideas for the visual style: Symbol that represents trust or integrity Preferred colors: Gold, black, and gray or white Where the design will be used: Company written material, website, company pens, Business Cards and other company paraphanelia Extra notes: Real Estate company owner needs some ideas about what logo he wants for the company. The name of the company is Golden Integrity Investments. Would like a symbol that represents trust or integrity. If there is no symbol in particular that represents that, he would like to establish one. Would be open to a number of designs developed by the logo designer because it would give him more options to choose from and from there, he could request to make modifications to the design. If the logo designer has any suggestions/recommendations to make the process easier and more clarifying and satisfying, then he would be open to that as well.

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Вакансия: #5014

2524 дней 11ч 21м



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00:00 - 08:00

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