Hi, I've recently founded Last Run ( which is aiming to be a platform for action sports media content. I got a logo designed by a fellow student whilst I was at university but I've unfortunately decided that it doesn't nearly represent the brand in a way that I'd like. I was looking for a graphic designer who would be interested in making us a logo that would be able to stand out in the crowded visually creative spaces like Skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, etc. If the kind of design style used in those markets is up your street then I'd love to hear from you and discuss what could be done for Last Run - We're looking to get the main logo designed, as well as a suite of similar support logos and the general design theme for the company - so a fair amount of work! Hit me up and let me know a bit about yourself; if you can direct me to a portfolio or something that would be great; and also let me know what your desired rate would be! Many Thanks Tom
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2575 дней 7ч 5м
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