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UX/UI designer

Industry: Food and Beverage Kind of design: Mobile website Num. of web pages: 10 Description of every page: An interesting project is looking for an inspirational creative designer to implement a tasty, delicious design for Tablet Menu. The Very delicate sense of style (it should look like a brand), fresh ideas and most importantly your product should call for action "to order and eat something." The result should not look cheap, seeks a sense of corporate identity, and follow set business objectives. The design is going to be introduced in a mobile application. Ideas for the visual style: Delicacy Things to avoid: should not look cheap Urls to draw inspiration from: Taco, Zomato, Swiggy, UberEATS Extra notes: Required Skills: Photoshop, HTML, CSS, Illustrator, Flat UI, UI colors, Material design Expected experience: Availability of applied design in real projects, especially in food/meal/restaurants sphere, Mobile app design, corporative style understanding, usability understanding, design for sales understanding, sense of stylish and expense. It is very interesting and we will be grateful if any of your work done will be attached, it will allow us to conduct a more substantive interview.

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Вакансия: #5691

2401 дней 0ч 16м



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