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Graphic designer for Corporate brochure

Information for the business: Corporate Telecommunications Organistaion Industry: Technology Design details: We are the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation and we are looking for a talented corporate designer to design a 8 page corporate brochure about cyber security and technology. We have style guides which we will present the designer that they will have to follow to some extent. We are looking for a 8 page brochure that will need to be printed with final output on A4. We are looking for design that is unique and showcases technology and cyber security. The designer will be given the content that needs to be added to the brochure alongside a picture library of images that they can use as well. The designer if needed can purchase stock imagery if needed. Target audience: Technology and telecommunications Number of pages needed: 8 Content on the front/back side and body: photo and illustration and content on the back Ideas for the visual style: BT, vadophone, EE Preferred colors: greens and blues Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5777

2385 дней 7ч 58м



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00:00 - 08:00

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