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2D Flash animators (Freelance)

Information for the business: We sells an e-learning product Industry: Education Design details: Job brief We are looking for dynamic, creative animators to develop excellent visual frames with 2D for our e-learning project. Your work will give life to storylines and characters in an e-learning project. Animators possess a creative eye and artistic aptitude. They can easily turn a script or a concept into an impressive computer-generated animation. To excel in this role, you must be highly skilled in Flash software and storytelling. Responsibilities • Read scripts and storylines to understand animation requirements • Prepare presentations (layouts) and storyboards with raw designs for the initial stages of production • Join images with background graphics and special effects, create models, drawings and illustrations • Ensure synchronization of frames and audio by participating in editing process Requirements • Experience in e-learning project dealing with 2D Flash animation, illustration, stop motion and computer-generated animation • Comfortable working with deadlines and budget restrictions • Teamwork and excellent communication skills • Proficient in Animation software (Flash, Photoshop, etc.) About company CBM Group is an institution working in the field of education for over 26 years. Presently it is conducting technology based programs such as a computer education program, audiovisual program, Interactive 3D content, knowledge centre, e-interactive and e-library in over 300+ schools/colleges all over India. For further details please visit our website [contact timing: 9: 30 a.m. to 5: 30 p.m.] Target audience: Students - Teachers Ideas for the visual style: Illustration, character animation, 2D Flash animation Extra notes: Needed 2D Flash animator for an e-learning project

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Вакансия: #6047

2524 дней 11ч 20м



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00:00 - 08:00

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