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Animation for ym website homepage

Hi, As a novice go animator i have attempted to create an introductory animation for my website homepage - but need someone to take the principal of what i have (my characters style as it's a mini me version) and create something much more polished and engaging. I need someone who can turn this around within the next 24hrs so if that's not you PLEASE do not even bid as all of our time is too precious. Script is aorund 60 seconds long and goes something like this: SCRIPT STARTS... "Welcome to Spa Business School. We love to create engaging learning resources and deliver learning experiences that educate and empower spa and wellness professionals to truly thrive. We’re big believers in a blended learning approach and as such we strive to really bring learning to life, both online and face to face. We do this through a variety of mediums from video and webinars to workshops and workbooks. As long standing successful business owners and operators, all our work is underpinned by a commitment to achieve realtime results, evidenced in both your profit and your teams performance. Let us show you how we can help you and your team #BeTheDifference. You can also sign your team up for our spa business school professional membership and give them unlimited access to a continous stream of educational short courses, how-to tutorials, insightful interviews, top tips and a host of practical tools and templates all aimed at driving their personal and professional development. Find out more at"; SCRIPT ENDS... I will also attach a screen shot of my new website as it's not yet live and the logo so you have a feel for brand look / feel and the links to the current animations i attempted.....the one already published gives you idea of upbeatness needed and screenshot of one attached is better styling.....would very much like it in large office setting (like shown on image wiht yellow wall, but maybe chracter stands up to show examples of mediums and turns screen to show how to log on / join in online etc (ignore image style on homepage as they are already being replaced as way too old style...i like crisp, modern, fresh etc

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