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Animated Monkey video/logo/profile picture

To go on a youtube channel introduction. I am looking for a cute monkey animation, going from chubby to fit, the intro can't be too long. No longer than 30 seconds. The name of the channel will be "The Healthy Monkey". So if the animation could come with a stationary picture to use as a profile that would be perfect. It is a guy running the channel, so the monkey wants to be targeted towards males, as it will be a male targeted channel. If the animation could include a logo for "The Healthy Monkey", that would also be perfect. As this is a new channel, it is really starting from the foundations up. You have the opportunity to define this channel, as well as the chance to make or break it. If your design is right, it could be the defining feature that sets this channel apart from the many others. I am a believer of creating a brand, and it all revolves around these sort of details that you will be able to create. It may lead onto further animation, if I decide to create some videos using the monkey character. I am looking for a design that will stand the test of time. It should be a design that can grow with the channel, I want this to be the spectacular part of the channel, the part that the rest of it has to aspire to achieve. Hence, why I am looking for a professional to carry out this task. It is purely that simple. I am looking for a 2D animation. Something similar to the little fella in the picture. Any further information you require can be given at a later date.

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Вакансия: #6095

2524 дней 9ч 24м



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