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Make an Excel sheet into a web platform.

General information for the website: Excel workbook into a web platform for order administration Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 10 pages Description of every page/module: We have an excel file with a "cover sheet" where all the information is entered, such as: - customer information - order information - goods information (quantity, description, customs information, price, etc). - transport information (trucking company, shipping company, deadlines, mode of transport, etc) - packaging information, documents information (what type of documents are needed, information on the documents, etc) This information is then used to create other documents, such as invoices, customs invoice (simplified / edited invoice), some documents that are created need to be editable as per customer request. Some of these documents should also be made available to the customer who can view these files after logging in. Description of requirements/features: In the cover sheet some fields are required, but others are optional. The optional ones, if left empty should not appear in the created documents. An invoice will be created in multiple formats, one being the "official one", for our own administration, another version will be for our customer who might need more / less information on the invoice for customs declaration in the destination port. Some standard emails should be created that can be easily sent to the forwarding agent or shipping line, preferably from the webpage. An example of this standard email is (e.g): Dear shipping line, we have loaded {type of good 1}, {quantity of good 1}, in {container number}. CMS and Admin requirements: We don't have a platform and don't have specific wishes regarding the platform. People will have to log in so only people who have the proper permission can access this website. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #6865

2406 дней 13ч 19м



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00:00 - 08:00

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