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Looking for a freelancer to create a short video on fashion products and brand

We are looking to work with a freelancer to create short video about the brand, products and other important information relating to the business. The freelancer will require to voice-over for the video describing key information about the products and the business. Provided this first video is successful, we are looking to work with the freelancer on a regular basis over the long term to prepare promotional videos for social media and other marketing purposes. The individual must: • Have an interest in ladies fashion • Have excellent communication skills (written and verbal). • Able to do video voiceover or arrange someone to do this (preferably native English speaker) • Be innovative and creative thinker • Be able to work autonomously • Be competent in using existing images and video archives to create the short video • Able to use Adobe Premier Pro or other similar movie making software effectively • Provide previous examples of videos which have been created for other brands • To be fully dedicated to the project, deliver illustrations on time to a professional standards If you are interested in exploring your creativity, please contact me.

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Вакансия: #7861

2406 дней 13ч 22м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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