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Product video

Pooky Lighting is an e-retailer whose aim is to make gorgeous and somewhat quirky decorative lighting products available online at a surprisingly reasonable price. The range includes table, floor, pendant, desk and wall lights in brass, glass, ceramic wood and marble and lampshades in silk ikats, indian silks, linens and block printed cottons. The majority of our customers are based in the UK. Two years ago, we produced a video to highlight our products. This video is hosted on our website and is also used in social media. It is also attached to this brief. Since the video was made, we have added many new products to the range. So we would like to update it to reflect the new products available. We are looking for a video editor who can demonstrate a track record in producing high quality video content. We would like to stick to the original concept of the video and update it with new images. We will supply cut-out imagery of the products. Ideally, the new video will include a new piece of music, but with the same kind of tempo and character. The video will be used online only, and hosted on our website. It will also be used for a You Tube channel. Please submit your proposal, together with samples of your work and ideally, references to check that the work was produced by you. We will pay according to experience and expertise. Thank you.

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Вакансия: #7865

2387 дней 6ч 25м



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00:00 - 08:00

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