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Need a animation video in regards what we do - we are a healthy nutritious meal prep

need a animation video in regards what we do - we are a healthy nutritious meal prep we supply food all over the uk all meals cooked per order by our professional chefs garde a british meats we only use fresh vegetables sourced locally delivered daily want to explain the process of us getting our ingredients - in out 5 star hygeine unit - we marinate meats - cook our carbohydrates e.g rice sweet potatoes quinoa cous cous pasta we use coconut oil to marinate meats We cool all our food down in a special blast chiller so no bacteria can be spread we then prepare meals into trays which are microwaveable & oveneable. we then vacuum pack our meals so they last fresh up to 10 days we send with the no.1 courier company in the uk dpd u can even track your meals in there app and you can see where you meals are if you order meals before 12pm everynite will be delivered the day after. 24hr process all orders cooked fresh per order Would love a short animated video asap and please look at our insta and facebook and you must understand our concept

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Вакансия: #8088

2398 дней 11ч 15м



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