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Actors Needed For Testimonial Videos

Hello, We are looking for actors to act out some of our written testimonials from previous customers. We will be doing a full day shooting on a day to be confirmed between the 26th and 30th of this month. The rate of pay will be £30 per hour. If you would like to be considered for this role it would be great for us to get a video sample of you performing some of the reviews to give us an idea of what you can do! Below is a choice of reviews to choose from: "I’ve been working in the makeup industry already for 16 months but the course still taught me so much. Such a great product & industry knowledge & tutor of this online course is fantastic. Insightful, lovely & couldn’t do enough to help us all." "Friendly team and helpful account manager. No pressure sales... good rates and speedy service. They give the impression they understand your situation and what you need and deliver accordingly - which gives a positive feeling they really know what they're doing! " "Prince2 Training tutorial easy to use. Great value, quality video and text materials. Complete in your own life time. Excellent highly recommend." "The Sales Management course has been much more exposing than I had thought, simply taught and easily understood. I truly believe that the course has boosted my experience as a sales man in my company and I'm sure it will boost my customer base and increase productivity in the company I work with. Thank you Global Edulink for this wonderful opportunity."

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Вакансия: #8241

2382 дней 20ч 11м



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00:00 - 08:00

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