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I need an Operations/Supply Chain Manager for a CPG food company

General information for the business: We manufacture and sell healthy pasta Industry: Food and Beverage Description of support work: OPERATIONS ANALYST Tasks: For all incoming purchase orders: o Review contents to determine if they match Banza expectations o Store PO in appropriate folder o Confirm PO with vendor by email For all retail orders o Confirm stock level at appropriate warehouse  Alert operations team if there is a discrepancy o Set up order in warehouse software (CaseStack or DBA as necessary) o Add order number to Banza Schedule (Excel file) o Add order quantities to Banza Schedule (Excel file) o Arrange outbound transportation Manage day to day communication with warehouse partners o Ensure all orders ship on time For all wholesale orders o Check Spotify website twice per week for new orders (Tuesday / Thursday) o Enter all Spotify orders into warehouse software o Add each order to Banza schedule Create delivery appointments for order deliveries as necessary Coordinate all outbound shipments from Factory o Arrange for trailer drops working with plant staff as needed Manage sample fulfillment center o Check inventory weekly, arrange shipments as necessary o Manage day to day questions from staff When new products are released o Add items to warehouse software portals Coordinate builds of variety cases and display builds as necessary o These will first be forecasted and then show up on inbound purchase orders Specific weekly orders (time sensitive) o Manage Target and Amazon Vendor Central orders weekly  We have instructions for both systems Fulfill orders for marketing initiatives and events Extra notes: Other requirements include: - Experience in supply chain or operations - Experience in consumer packaged goods (CPG) - Optional experience in food & beverage - Fluency in English

Дополнительная информация

Вакансия: #8343

2409 дней 10ч 29м



Тип работы:

Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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