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Property Sourcing Agent

General information for the business: Property Sourcing Industry: Business Description of support work: We are a small property company based in London and we are looking for Property Sourcing Agent. Ideally we are looking for someone to become part of our team! I am looking for someone to search UK property websites to source properties Below Market Value or with development potential and enter information into excel spreadsheets You must have experience doing this sort of work before and demonstrate that you can source relevant properties. Ongoing we are looking for you to speak to our investors and further their relationships with us. Requirements: · Familiarity with UK property terms and platforms. Special consideration will be given to candidates that have prior experience in helping UK real estate investors or related type of businesses. · Familiar with Rightmove, Zoopla, Primelocation, EasyRoomMate, SpareRoom etc. · Team player - you’ll be a very important part of our real estate team and so you’ll need to work with the various other team members. · Fluent in spoken and written English · Attention to Detail - You must be able to communicate extremely well in the written word and have absolute accuracy on documents you will prepare. · Experienced with excel Long term part-time working opportunity. This is a great opportunity to start working with a real estate firm that is only growing. If you only looking for short term work and you have no interest in growing together, then please don't apply. NO AGENCIES PLEASE Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #8346

2404 дней 10ч 15м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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