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Solicitor for completion of my purchase - Exchange has already happened

General information for the business: I have already exchanged, but need to complete. I also have my mortgage approved by Leeds Building Society and i am looking for a frim on Leeds panel. Industry: Legal Legal topic: Property Description of legal work: I will like a firm of Solicitors to complete my conveyancing transaction. I have already exchanged October 2016 and will be completing November 2017. This is due to the property being a new build and off plan transaction. I will like to take the conveyancing off the current Solicitor due to his recent move to a new Solicitors firm, who are not registered on the panel of Leeds Building Society. My mortgage is about to be issued out, and I need a Solicitors firm who are currently on the Leeds Building Society's panel. My current Solicitor has not been proactive enough to find me another Solicitors firm who are on the Leeds panel to complete. If your firm is registered with Leeds Building Society panel, can you kindly let me know your charge for this completion. Current Solicitor has carried out all the searches prior and requisitions prior to exchange taking place. So what is left is, only to complete. All documents will be passed on to you by the current Solicitor on agreement. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #8469

2524 дней 9ч 26м



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