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I need a report on the UK Restaraunt & Casual Dining industry for 2017

General information for the business: We sell advertising Industry: Food and Beverage Geographical areas: United Kingdom Data to include: Consumer spending in restaurants & cafes average weekly spend on eating out share of uk consumers eating out at least once a week casual dining market spending in 2017 revenue of uk restaurant industry number of restaurants on average, how many covers does each restaurant get each day (how many diners per day) how long to diners spend in the restaurant? how long to diners on average spend waiting for their food to arrive after they have ordered their food. consumer behaviour insights on future consumer trends how are consumers influenced by their friends & peer's decisions stats on consumer use of phones compared to other times/situations. Are people less likely to use their phones in a restaurant compared to other situations/locations reports on how diners emotionally feel while at a restaurant compared to other situations/locations. are diners more relaxed than other situations/feel more generous/ open to try something new find insights, stats to prove that advertising to diners in restaurants would be an engaging marketing channel. Extra notes: Time scale - 1 week Full referencing required - all info needs to be current, accurate, indepth

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2387 дней 5ч 6м



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