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Telesales expert with IT experience

Riverlite deliver enterprise-grade IT services to UK organisations, either on-premise or through our Private vCloud. We provide a wide range of managed service solutions including support, hosting, networks, monitoring and VoIP. We have a database of approx 350 records with limited information (organisation, contact and email) and need these cleaned and populated with additional information. Data would be supplied via excel sheet. We need each record to contain the correct decision maker(s) for IT (typically FD, CEO, IT Dir, MD) as well as further information that you will need to gather from that contact, including: Do they have any IT pains or problems? Do they outsource any or all of their IT? If so: Who? What is the contract length and how long? What services to they get? Are they happy? Experience undertaking IT telesales is vital. You will need to be able to get past gate-keepers and have business conversations with senior people, so must have experience of this and the gravitas to engage with Director level people at organisations between £2m-£20m. We are not looking for appointments or sales, but accurate and good quality information/leads. This will be an initial one week assignment with the possibility of it being extended for 6 weeks +. You will report back daily progress. Start date is immediate.

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Вакансия: #8951

2401 дней 11ч 25м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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