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Freelance PR for ongoing press office holiday cover relationship is looking for a freelance press officer for short term holiday cover. The consumer money-saving website, founded by Martin Lewis, would like to meet a freelancer for an ongoing relationship to cover the busy press office for contracts of between 2 days and 2 weeks at a time. Must be able to handle multiple press enquiries each day, look after several spokespeople and be able to turn sometimes complex personal finance issues into concise, understandable press releases. Must have a nose for the news in any story and ideally would be a former journalist-turned-PR (though this is not essential). The freelancer would also need to take care of the press line at weekends and evenings, though this will likely not result in full working days. Minimum 2 years’ experience at senior account executive level and above. Broadcast experience is essential. The first contract is October 7th to 11th. There’ll be roughly 20-30 days of work a year. Please contact [email protected] with a CV/portfolio and some words about you if this sounds like one for you.

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Вакансия: #9147

2409 дней 3ч 52м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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