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Luxury Womens Rental Fashion Brand - Email & Packaging Slips Copy

Num. of words: unknown Industry: Art and Design Topic: Fashion Tone: Other Outline & Structure: We are just about to launch an exciting, luxury fashion rental website. We are looking for a copywriter, with previous luxury fashion copy writing experience, to help us. The person should also be very experienced at writing SEO content. Within our tone we are trying to strike a balance between fun and luxury. We dont want to be completely neutral and serious, like your Netaporters, but we dont want to be Missguided or Boohoo either. You can see from the copy and images on our instagram, we are already trying to build a brand identity, but we need help developing this further through our copy. We need someone who really gets what we are trying to do, so its really important to us that we find the right person, as we want our TOV to echoed through everything from the website, to social media to packaging. The company is Hire That Look, you can see a holding page when you go to Here is our instagram I have attached the home page of the website, to give you an idea around the website design. I have also attached the start of our TOV document. The deliverables for this project are as follows: Email copy (our sign up email) - we have existing copy, we know what we want to say, but this needs a TOV applied Competition Copy (we are doing a social media competition to win beauty products) Packaging Insert Copy: Insert 1: 1. An insert that that describes our hire, returns and security tag process for easy to use simple steps in our tone of voice - we will obviously provide what we want to say 2. On the other side of this insert we'd like to promote social sharing, to ask the customer to share their outfit on social media with us Insert 2: Copy for a slip that our customers can give to a friend as a gift, it will have a discount on to encourage friend referral and will also provide a discount to our customer Extensive research needed: yes Extra notes:

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