We are looking for an experienced technical writer and powerpoint ninja. MUST haves: * Impeccable written English and ability to proofread * PowerPoint skills (provide porfolio pieces featuring layout, design and *animation* - if you dont have examples in your profile, please attach with your proposal) * Ability to quickly and accurately read, comprehend and summarize/rewwrite source material on widely varied, complex technical subjects ranging from hard science to business management, medicine, engineering and more * Comfortable working as part of a distributed team that collaborates closely using tools such as Skype, Slack and Trello. BONUS haves: * Light audio / video editing skills * Adobe Photoshop and InDesign * Formal experience in the learning & development industry (corporate training, curriculum development, etc.) and familiarity with LMS platforms, e-learning authoring tools, adult learning theory, etc. - Multilingual DESIRED SKILLS: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Animation, e-Learning, Instructional Design, Keynote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Presentation Design, Scientific Writing, Technical Writing
Вакансия: #9610
2565 дней 10ч 13м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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