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Professional bid / proposal writer required for IT Services proposals - ongoing work

Num. of words: 750 - 1500 Industry: Technology Topic: IT Outsourced Services Tone: Formal/Professional Extensive research needed: no Extra notes: I am looking to hire a bid/proposal writer to support me in producing customer-facing documents (proposals) for IT Outsourced Services. This would be on a project by project basis, but with ongoing work. This is work that I have been doing myself for over a year, so have many old proposals that could be used as templates. The new proposals will be fairly similar in style but will need to be tailored to match the customer requirements (Exec Summary / Requirements and Solution) and also document formatting (customer logo's, contacts etc) and to ensure that the solution theme and solution specifics run throughout the proposal. The solution design and specifics would be detailed and provided separately for each proposal that would need to be created. There would be on average 4-5 proposals per month, varying in length and complexity, although this is likely to rise as new services are launched. If this is of interest, please could you let me have examples of other similar work that you have done in this area?

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Вакансия: #9681

2390 дней 3ч 54м



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00:00 - 08:00

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