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I need help writing 8 EXCEPTIONAL product and scent descriptions for my "zero waste" candle business, EARTH + ORDER. My candles are made out of wine bottles that have been fantastically reinvented and packaged with waste reduction in mind. (More about the brand can be found below) I have 8 candles in my first range and I need to invest in a creative writer than will basically make my customers be able to smell the candles through their laptops. Also needs to communicate the benefits of some scents that use only pure, essential oils that have aromatherapy benefits. The descriptions are going to go on the website I'm building (mockup attached). I can provide links to information about the essential oils and fragrance oils I use so the writer is well informed. I would also really prefer a phone conversation/meeting to provide a more thorough brief of the brand and tone of voice I want to communicate. I want the descriptions to sound a bit cheeky but very real. This brand is all about supporting sustainability and building a new circular economy whereby resources are re-used in new ways - -- but that said I don't want it to bee too "green" if you know what I mean. The target audience is conscious but sexy affluent women, aged 25-50 that can afford to spend £30 on a candle. If you're London-based I could also maybe meet you in person so that you can smell the candles (mailing them is kind of too expensive so if you aren't London based you really gotta use that imagination!)? This is of course optional and only if you think it would benefit the description. About EARTH + ORDER: EARTH + ORDER is the UK's first and only 'zero waste' candle company. I hand craft beautifully scented candles in wine bottles that have been fantastically reinvented and packaged with waste reduction in mind. ​ Inspiring and uniquely sourced natural and essential oils are added to eco-friendly soy wax at just the right temperature to ensure a smooth, strong scent throughout your home. ​ Most of us don't need more convincing of living a sustainable lifestyle. Yet we can't find simple ways of doing so beyond recycling or the odd re-suable shopping bag. I started this company with a vision of producing the highest quality candles that help raise awareness and fight back against unnecessary waste. ​ EARTH + ORDER is for everyone pursuing the ultimate luxury; a clean, beautiful planet. LIVE FOR IT. ​ (I just started an instagram @earthandorder you can check out too to understand what the 'zero waste movement' is all about)

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Вакансия: #9750

2524 дней 11ч 19м



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00:00 - 08:00

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