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Ebook content written

Num. of books: 1 Pages per book: 13 Topic: Online Video Production and Content Tone: Witty/Sharp Outline & Structure: Hi Guys, I run a video production company that is about to start creating an ebook. Each bullet point below would need to be written per powerpoint page (we are designing, just need content), around 500-750 words per point. Every other page within the powerpoint style ebook will have a video on it discussing the content. The topics to cover in order that need to be written about are as follows: Page 1 - Online Video: Where to start? Page 2 - What are the most popular types of online video? Page 3 - How can regular videos help my business? 4 - Facebook live: What is it and how can it help? 5 - How video is swamping the internet! 6 - What do your audience want to see? 7 - 10 facts you need to know about online video 8 - How much does it cost to advertise online videos? 9 - How to plan your regular online video content 10 - Video editing: what are my options 11 - 5 online videos you can make right now 12 - How much does a professional video cost 13 - Hire a film crew or do it yourself? Although this downloadable ebook is to be as clear and non-biased as possible, the aim of this download is to convince the reader that professional video production is better than doing it yourself. Between each point, it will be broken up with casestudys and short little tips (you don't have to worry about this, just mentioning so you can envisage the idea) Basically a one-stop solution for learning more about how regular video content can hugely benefit your business. Ideal client - Download free ebook on online video content - Add to email list - receive emails based on regular online video content - receive dedicated special offer only available after ebook download Extensive research needed: yes Extra notes: Writing style: I would prefer professional, but personal. I like the style of digital marketer: Casual, yet witty. Looking for a fixed price quote and timeline please.

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