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I need English vocabulary learning app

(1)The app needs to be able read out words stored on device and call their synonyms and immediately after give simple/easy to remember sentence. (2)The app to be able read out words and give their antonyms and give easy to remember sentences after. (3) The app to be able to generate sentence with spelling errors. User to touch to highlight error. (4) The app to be able to generate sentences with punctuation errors. User to touch to highlight error. (5) The app needs to run on ios & android phones and tablets. (6) The app needs to accept called out words by the user in a list format and find definitions of each word in the list. (7)The app needs to create an interactive revision test for words learnt in previous lessons. (8) Generate random test including synonyms pairs, antonyms pairs, sentence punctuation and sentences with spelling mistakes from database of words and times each test. (9) App to be to review and show answers of each test. (10) App to be able to generate report of scores and show progress reports. (11) App interface design to be simple with distinct menu.

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Вакансия: #9882

2387 дней 19ч 39м



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