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Visual Merchandising/ Window Design

Information for the business: We are an optometrist Industry: Healthcare Design details: Hi, We want to hire someone to help us design and construct a beautiful new window display that will catch the attention of people as they walk down the street and stand out from other high street optometrists. We have 2 big windows and a great location so there is a lot of scope for someone creative! Thank you, Nicola Messages to communicate through the design: We work mainly with children - we want a design that is high-end and professional but also fun, happy, eye-catching from across the street and modern. Some ideas of windows that we have loved are the windows in South Kensington during the Chelsea flower show and the windows of retailers like Selfridges, Anthropologie. Ideas for the visual style: Professional, youthful and fun Urls to draw inspiration from: Where the design will be used: On the windows Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5117

2399 дней 8ч 0м



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00:00 - 08:00

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