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I would like a drawing for a video I'm making.

What's up man, my name's Farhad and I'm making a rap video with my friends. But we need a little help. For the actual song, it's about how Muslims in America are having to deal with a lot of backlash and stereotypes given against them and I wrote a song talking about this. One of my friends is fairly wealthy enough to help us make a music video, so I want to express my Islamic side as much as I could through what I'm going to be wearing and yet try to make it hip-hop/rap related. I have an Islamic ring, chain with pendant, but I need a shirt too. I was thinking of making a unique design. (Told you all this so you wouldn't get caught off guard lol) I need it to be a Marilyn Monroe portrait with her covered in tattoos that have Islamic phrases on them, what the phrases are I don't care lol, and I want her to also be wearing an Islamic chain. I'm going to put some pictures down for you if you need any help. If you need ANY specifications, just email me back and I will be happy to help you. I'm also still in high school lol so I'm not rich. P.S. This means a lot to me since its gotten really on my nerves how America is starting to treat us Muslims like. Just yesterday some lady told my friend, who's a muslim girl wearing a hijab, that "you don't belong her" and "you're just a sand N***a" and other stuff. I'm tried of this B.S. and I just feel like this is one of the only ways to slap those far-right supporters in their face. P.P.S. Even if you don't wanna do this project, it's cool man. I appreciate it a lot that you read my request.

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Вакансия: #6161

2524 дней 9ч 23м



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