General information for the website: Well sell metal studs and spikes for Punk fashion Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of requirements/features: we currently have a website which is - on the site we have (lets looks at one range for now) so "Pyramid Studs" - currently on the page we have 3 listings for giant gold, 3 for giant silver etc etc... i want this to be amended to there is one option for "Giant Gold Pyramid" then when people click on this it opens the item page and within that page they can select the option for quantities. this will then cut the page down from 31 listings to 13 listings. then the same needs to be done for each page, so its almost like each categorise has then a sub category and that page gives the different quantities and prices so people can purchase the quantity they need as well as seeing the different prices to encourage "upselling" Extra notes:
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2565 дней 10ч 25м
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