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Speedy but well priced, and efficient model photo retouchers/airbrushers wanted

We are a company looking for very good but well priced people that can professionally retouch/edit model photo. That is to say people that can retouch model related pictures be it colour correction, airbrushing, photoshop and editing – essentially improve the pictures. You will need to be solidly reliable and be able to deliver on time and do an excellent job in the process. We are not well educated of this industry as in differences between the types of work done on images, time taken and thus prices. What we do know however is that for the right price, we can send a lot of work your way given we plan to work with in excess of 2000 models on a regular basis. So if you want to earn well, be kept busy and can deliver to a high standard and regularly, please reply to this ad with: 1. Examples of your work before and after 2. Your various prices and what you offer 3. Please note that this is a service we will be offering and so, we will need to also make money from it but we expect a lot of volume of images [one model may have anything between 5 and 50+ images to be airbrushed). In short, give us very competitive prices based on volume and delivery times. We look forward to hearing from you but remember to supply as much info as possible to help us decide on whether to use you.

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Вакансия: #7840

2398 дней 11ч 51м



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00:00 - 08:00

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