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Proposals for Space CG for Sci-Fi Film

Hello, I'm looking to get proposals for the completion of some purely CG elements on a feature length film I am working on. These would amount to about 7 minutes of CG total and would be EXT shots of some of the planets in our solar system along with some space craft. This would also involve the creation of the spacecraft as well for the CG shots. No CG work has been completed yet on these. Attached is a list with descriptions of the shots. Most all of them are 10 to 20 seconds in length. I've also attached concept art to help give an idea of the type of shots that I will be looking for. I am only allowed up upload 3 attachments, but I have concept art created for all needed shots. I estimate there are 23 shots total, most will re-use elements from previous shots such as the planets, sun, etc. There are only 2 space-craft that will need to be created and I have included those in the attachments. I am looking for a ball-park quote to get this CG done so that I may include it in a package to our investors for the project. Deadline is not determined yet, but will be soon after we get funding for the CG. Please let me know if you have any questions about this project. Thank you,

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Вакансия: #7894

2524 дней 11ч 22м



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