Healthy Living Foods is the parent company of the Royal Oatmeal and Healthy Stories Tea brands. We’re headquartered in London, UK. We are looking for a Sales, Distributor, and Marketing, person to join our small team. RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Liaise with retail outlets to sell our products. 2. Prospect and drive new markets 3. Represent the company at formal and informal events 4. Communicate directly and indirectly to customers 5. Provide new ideas on how to improve the sales and marketing drives of the company QUALIFICATIONS 1. Excellent communication skills. 2. Skills in interpersonal relationships 3. Experience in sales, distribution, and marketing, though not necessary, is an added advantage 4. Ability to work remotely and also attend meetings in person. If interested, send us your proposal. Best regards, Hannah
Вакансия: #9274
2565 дней 10ч 17м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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