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Personal Assistant chatbot AI

Hi, We are looking for someone who has experience in building chatbots which can be like a personal assistant. Requirements: It cannot be a static Question and Answer bot It should understand natural language it should check the status of an account It should ask questions to the customer depending upon his profile and screen him If the user logs out and logs back in after period of time, it should recollect what was the previous conversation and continue it. It normally is replacing a human who interacts with the user completely. Normally all chatbots we have are dumb, they answer only what they get trained and also its more of just question and answers smartly, but we are looking to have a continued conversation. If you are an expert in solving these problems please bid this project. We do not need a regular chat bot developer, we have already developer couple of chat bots. we are looking for an expert who can do the next level chat bot which is like a human assistant on our web site.

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Вакансия: #9884

2400 дней 8ч 37м



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