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Migrate Custom ASP Message Board to BBForums / BuddyPress

General information for the business: ASP Forum to BBForums on WP Database management system (DBMS): MySQL Description of requirements/functionality: *** Please don't send me form letters. They will be ignored. Send me specifics on how you'd approach this problem if you're looking to win the job *** We have a legacy custom forum that was built to vaguely follow vBulletin's structure from around 1997. It was built using ASP classic and MSSQL, but we recently migrated it to MySQL. We're looking to move the users and all the historical posts to bbPress or another WordPress-driven solution. We'll also need the ability to import any new posts at the click of a button because the forum is quite active and users will continue to post throughout the process of building this solution. For context, the forum is comprised of two tables. ForumUsers and Posts. The fields are as follows: ForumUsers - ID / int - Originator / varchar - Password / varchar - Email / varchar - EmailView / varchar - CurrentEmail / varhar - Location / varchar - Occupation / varchar - Homepage / varchar - interests / varchar - ICQnum / varchar - AOLIM / varchar - YahooPager / varchar - Image / varchar - Admin_Special / tinyint - Artist_Special / tinyint - IP / varchar - Date_Registered / timestamp - TotalPosts / int - LastPost / DATETIME - LastForumLogin / datetime - ChatLogins / int - LastChatLogin / datetime - LastReview / datetime - LastReviewLogin / datetime - Banned / tinyint - BannedBy / varchar - ReasonForBanning / varchar - Date_Banned / datetime - Online / tinyint - ForumPage / varchar - ForumName / varchar - QID / int - TopicName / varchar Posts -QuestionID / int - ReplyID / int - Topic / varchar - Replies / smallint - Viewed / int - Originator / varchar - ThreadCreator / varchar - DatePosted / datetime - TimePosted / datetime - LastReplyDateTime / datetime - Post / longtext - IP / varchar - Sticky / tinyint - Forum / varchar - DeletedBy / varchar I'm open to using a different WordPress plugin, but I'm ultimately looking to modernize the message board experience and ultimately add more social media integration and functionality to the site. Please contact me with how you'd approach this if you're interested in the job. I need it to be completed within 10 days. Specific technologies required: asp, mysql, wordpress Extra notes:

Additional info

Job: #10056

2428 day(s) 18h 58m



Job type:

One time job

Working Hours:

00:00 - 08:00

Required skills
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