
Your job is rejected! Reason:

Website development

General information for the website: We sell materials to a specific industry and operate within a niche market Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 4-6 Description of every page/module: Home Our promise How it works T&C Contact Description of requirements/features: We need the website to be the most up to date business card for our businesses, keywords and SEO etc... Customers will use the platform to fill in their requirements or request us to contact them. At a later stage we are looking to engage in a social media campaign and automate the ordering system. CMS and Admin requirements: A basic customer management software would be helpful, we are using sage accounting atm. Payment methods: Credit Card, Specific Payment Gateway Extra notes:

Additional info

Job: #7238

2413 day(s) 13h 44m



Job type:

One time job

Working Hours:

00:00 - 08:00

Required skills
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