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Revising Ebay listings to remove old HTML code and input new HTML code

General information for the website: We selling Storage and shopfitting equipment Kind of development: Customization of existing website Num. of web pages/modules: 509 Description of requirements/features: I am looking for someone to revise our ebay listings on tradesystemsuk to remove any active content/templates (old html template) and input the new HTML template with any product information in the listings cut and pasted back into the new HTML code. The picture URL will also need to be pasted into the html code. The price and title will need to be pasted into the code as well. I want to input this information without losing my existing sales history i.e. I don't want to relist the items from scratch. I am hoping there is a quick way of doing this. I can only work out a way of doing them one by one. Let me know if you can help. The price to edit all of our listings is negotiable and we will listen to offers. For any further information please send us an email. Kind regards, Michael Goodall Trade Systems (Shelving Plus Ltd) Extra notes:

Additional info

Job: #7443

2429 day(s) 4h 51m



Job type:

One time job

Working Hours:

00:00 - 08:00

Required skills
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