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Corporate & Professional looking website design

General information for the business: Bespoke 1-to-1 sales training and consultancy Industry: Business Geographical areas: UK wide Target customers: Sales people Description of Business Development: With over 20 years working in the sales arena, we have designed a business (Elite Sales Consultancy) to help you as an individual, not as a group. The business is designed to provide 1-to-1 sales training, coaching and development to sales professionals with all levels of experience to help them grow and learn new skills to accelerate their performance, get them out of a rut, help them rise to the top or develop new skills. Rather than being in a classroom environment or group workshop, each session is held 1-to-1 via Skype, Facetime or other Video Conference facilities in a completely confidential and private setting, either out of hours or at a convenient time. This enables candidates to relax without any peer pressure or exposing weaknesses in front of tough managers. We also provide sales management 1-to-1 training to help new managers feel like they have a person they can use to mentor them. This can also be provided to managers whom manage a team with challenges, be it personnel, performance and certain characters who are difficult to manager. You may have a difficult boss whom you can never please; our experience will help guide you successfully through these challenging times. Our training can be provided at an affordable, hourly rate at a pace that suits you. Extra notes: The design of the website is corporate with a preferred image of a single, suited male, looking out across the London Office skyline. The pages to be included are About Us, How we can help, What we offer. Telephone numbers, skype and facetime addresses to be included.

Additional info

Job: #8378

2428 day(s) 18h 35m



Job type:

One time job

Working Hours:

00:00 - 08:00

Required skills
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