General information for the business: Software Developer Needed Description of every module: This role sits within the Business Operations team and will involve assisting in the delivery of a range of projects, including large complex deployments, mobile and tablet apps, as well as smaller quicker turnaround projects. You will also be a single point of contact for smaller projects and take them from original concept through final implementation. Description of requirements/functionality: • Excellent problem solving skills • Strong communication skills with spoken/written English language skills • Strong knowledge of relational DB concepts, SQL Server as well as non-relational storages • OOP/OOD skills and high quality of produced code • Deep understanding of .NET Platform • Experience in using: C#/.NET, MVC, SPA, JavaScript, REST, HTML5, CSS3, Entity Framework, SQL, NoSQL • Knowledge of architectural styles and design patterns. Microservices experience is a plus • Experience in deploying applications to cloud environments particularly to AWS • Experience in development of enterprise systems with multi-layered architecture • Agile practices experience • DevOps practices experience Extra notes:
Вакансия: #10092
2575 дней 6ч 50м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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