General information for the business: Distributorship Module in odoo 10 Customziation Kind of development: Customization of existing program Platform: OpenERP Num. of modules: 1 Description of every module: We have a Sales commission module which has got 1 Level of Distributorship. We need to develop a second level of Sub-distributorship in that same module for odoo 10. We need to manage the flow of products between the Distributors, Sub-distributors and the End Retailers. They will have their own warehouses, so we can check their Stocks properly. Description of requirements/functionality: We have a Sales commission module which has got 1 Level of Distributorship. We need to develop a second level of Sub-distributorship in that same module for odoo 10. We need to manage the flow of products between the Distributors, Sub-distributors and the End Retailers. They will have their own warehouses, so we can check their Stocks properly. Sales boys, Sub-distributors, Distributors will be assgned to each customer properly. Specific technologies required: python, Odoo Extra notes:
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