
Ваша работа была отклонена! Причина:

Sales administrator and support person

The homebased branch of our sales team requires a confident, efficient and fast working sales support administrator We have just taken on a large, well known property management company and require you to administer the work of telemarketers and sales team, and liase with the client with updates You'll be required to continually communicate with the sales team via online chat, supporting and encouraging as well as pushing them to hit target This role is not for the faint hearted You will be comfortable multitasking as the role can be demanding In addition to the above you will also be required to post on our social media Oversee the work of our blogger and post the blogs via Wordpress You'll be a team player confident at working with staff and company employees at all levels, ensuring a positive attitude and a passion for providing a high quality work as is our company ethos Bonuses provided depending on the value you add to the team You will be required to carry out a training session before starting This is a long term opportunity

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Вакансия: #10446

2406 дней 14ч 36м



Тип работы:

Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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