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Market research

I am writing to propose a quick and well paid project opportunity to be performed in Holland as from July 2017. We will give 2 to 3 days field assistance (working together on field) and we estimate to hit approx. 80% of the task by the end of the joint field activity. After that, we expect that it will remain just minor follow-up activity (re-calling visited dealers) to complete. PROJECT HOLLAND: CARGO HANDLING INDUSTRY a. Industry: Cargo handling, same as you’ve done during the last couple of years. It is a B2B industry. b. Survey target: investigate the aftersales-parts-price-business of no. 2 to 3 market-player-brand, in order to get spare parts quotations. c. Price levels: 2 price levels for each required part number: List + Actual Customer price to B2B operators. d. Shopping Basket: 75 spare parts + service contract on 2 machines. e. Demonstrability: headed / chopped quotes are mandatory. f. Survey approach: physical visits to aftersales competitor dealers in Holland area plus back-up phone calling to dealers: we mostly want you to do visits, working on field. g. M-PRO support: on-field + back-office support. h. Expected period: we are planning the kick-off on-field during wk. 27 or wk. 28 2017. i. Time deadline: completion by max. end of wk. 31 2017. j. Budget: EUR 1000,00 + EUR 200 expenses total budget. k. Financial: 15% advance payment at meeting on field + balance payment upon delivery of complete results, via swift payment. In case you are not having the chance to support us for this project, would you mind to put us in touch with someone (among your contacts) who might be interested to take this opportunity with us? I thank you for your attention and look forward to hearing from your side. Kind Regards, Federico Bertelli [email protected]

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Вакансия: #10619

2404 дней 21ч 14м



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