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Social Media Advertiser Campaign Strategist and Marketer Instagram & Facebook

>>>PLEASES MAKE SURE YOU READ EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU RESPOND<<< Hello we are looking for a Social Media Advertiser Campaign Strategist and Marketer We are specific because the above headline is exactly what we are looking for. The platforms we are going to be using are Facebook, Instagram and in the Future Snapchat. As Snapchat is more personal and location-based your role will most likely be an advisory role. We are looking to bring someone on to the team as a virtual team member. Please note we are already conversant with Facebook and Instagram so if you're a novice you will be easily identified. The industries you are likely to be involved in straight off the bat are: Restaurant, Fashion, Digital Agency, Medical & Plastic Surgery. What we need Someone who can understand a brand Someone who can understand the brand voice and tone. Someone who can create on brand interesting content and as such is fluent in English and written grammar. Creative Campaigner: Someone who is creative in coming up with campaigns and strategies for the above-mentioned industries to DRIVE CUSTOMERS INTO THE AGENCY/STORE/PRACTICE and INTO LEAD PAGES. Someone who is fluent in email marketing and can create email campaigns. Someone who understands or can be taught how to make landing pages that convert (however note this skill isn't essential as we can teach this) Someone who can come up with outside the box creative ideas that make campaigns content and adverts engaging and interesting. Someone who knows how to grow an audience on Facebook and Instagram ORGANICALLY with a targeted relevant audience e.g. from 1k to 10k+ if you have examples of this please send them so we can verify they are not bots and also tell us the timeline it took to make this happen. Someone who knows how to identify the right influencers and relevant partners on Instagram and Facebook to push our objectives. Someone who if given content can use it appropriately to make it t highly engaging. Someone who can suggest and advise content like a normal team member would. Begin your proposal response with #SM17 Advertiser and Strategist Someone who based on campaigns, promotions, discounts and ideas can be created relevant Facebook Ads to achieve objectives with high-quality scores and very targeted based on the researched interests. From the above, it is quite clear a creative person of this kind will have skills in copywrting, marketing, creative thinking & graphic design. Be totally transparent and honest, we are a very forward thinking culture with us if you have some of the skills above and not others we will still consider you just make it clear your strength and weaknesses. QUESTIONS If the Big Kahuna Burger was your client how would you grow their business on FB and Instagram give examples of campaign ideas and influencers (if any) you would approach to drive customers. If an online marketing agency (Web design, Social media, SEO ) was your client how would you grow their business on FB and Instagram give examples of campaign ideas and influencers (if any) you would approach to drive customers.

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Вакансия: #10793

2524 дней 11ч 22м



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