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Social Media Management - Commercial Insurance Broker

As a specialist commercial insurance broker based in the City of London, we are looking to partner up with an experienced individual/company with a proven track record in managing and growing our Social Media presence. Currently, the group compromises of two companies - both of which have their own Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. These will be the only mediums that we wish to utilise due to the type of clientele we are targeting. The objective of the social media management will be to increase the profiles of both companies on the internet, with particular emphasis on Twitter and LinkedIn. Both companies have established pages and followers on Twitter and LinkedIn - which we are looking to expand and increase these with a view to increase our internet presence, SEO and brand profiling. Our specialist Social Marketer will: 1. Develop industry related content with engaging posts with visual images at least 3 times a week for each entity. These can be industry related topics such as Cyber Crime or the Importance of Professional Indemnity cover etc. 2. Research the commercial insurance sector for any industry news/trends etc that the entities operate in. Key products we focus on: Medical Indemnity, Professional Indemnity, Cyber Liability and Office package insurance. We want to focus around these products which are designed around all professional services businesses in the UK – ranging from Accountants to Acoustic Engineers (we cater and insure over 1000 professions) 3. Minimum of 2 purposeful posts per day for each company 4. Effectively manage the content on the social media outlets in ensuring they are effective and gain traction by way of SEO and on social media. Such as highlighting company USPs for example 5. Increase number of followers on Twitter and LinkedIn by way of procurement and organic followers, retweeting and having an active presence 6. Increasing number of followers on Twitter and LinkedIn followers by way of procurement to increase the profile of respective companies. Separate commercials can be discussed around this. 7. Produce management reports on measuring performance (before/after) and looking at what can be done differently / what industry sector reacts more compared to others. This is an on-going rolling monthly 'Fixed Price' monthly agreement, where the full service levels/expectations can be discussed in detail via telephone and email, or of you are also based in London – we can meet at our offices in between Fenchurch Street Station and Liverpool Street Station.

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Вакансия: #10822

2396 дней 6ч 9м



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