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Working full app

Build out a prototype working app for a concept i have in the event & venues match market. App must have unique functionality and beautiful design to reflect smartphone gestures and usability. Please include suggestions, dev time and a basic outline approach in your proposal. Please also show us relevant samples of work and proven success of apps you have created please. We are seeking only the best developers and those who have had proven success with apps in the marketplace who can take this concept to the next level! IF this you then please apply ASAP. Cannot divulge full details at this stage. Development process would require an NDA. More work can be offered for the right candidate Please note: 2-3 day screening process of candidates will be required before we reach a decision. Please quote us on a full working app and a working prototype. Also could you advise us on how long it will take to implement a prototype into a full working app. Thank you PS: transfer complete ownership rights of code to us after signing NDA through to final delivery

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Вакансия: #11012

2401 дней 8ч 11м



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